
Hanep na Pinoy entrepreneur!

On August 21, we finally had our initial presentation with MLALAF thru Ms. Shirls and Sir Niku. We were able to present to them our initial modules which focus on Suppy Chain, Practical Accounting, and Sales Activities. During this session, we were enlightened as to what was really required from us. During this session, I also learned the true meaning of dedication.

 So, August 21 came and we presented to Ms. Shirls and Sir Niku. It was pointed out in the meeting that the modules will benefit the student beneficiaries but more than that, it will guide the partner instructors on how to properly execute the modules. According to Ms. Shirly, these partner instructors have been with MLALAF for years, some for decades even. But what made them stay and still continue their works as partners instructors? What really motivates a person to wake up each day and to continue on? For some, it may be their salaries and benefits. For the others, it may be their passion and their desire to uplift the lives of their community. I believe the latter is true for the MLALAF instructors. Being an instructor, especially in this informal type of education can be really hard, especially during this time of the pandemic. But the MLALAF instructors are more than willing to extend their help, to impart their knowledge, and to be an inspiration to their student beneficiaries. During the session with Sir Niku and Ms. Shirls, I found out that these partner instructors also do not have that deep background on the subjects that they are teaching. But what makes them stand out is that they are willing to learn and to master these modules because they know within them the benefits outweigh the costs. The benefits that someday their student beneficiaries will be able to start their own businesses outweigh the cost of their sacrifices and efforts.

In all honesty, prior to the meeting I thought we were just making training modules for the beneficiaries of MLALAF. I didn’t know the impact of this project, initially. I didn’t know that we can actually influence and partly change the lives of those who will benefit from these modules. These may be simple, but surely these modules will help the student beneficiaries understand and learn more on the basics of starting a business and hopefully soon, we will have future Hanepreneurs who are products of MLALAF.

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